James conquers nuts.

I remember pulling into the parking garage, turning off my car and sitting in the silence, thinking, “Maybe this would all be so much easier if I just wasn’t alive anymore.” I starting thinking about all of the things that kept me going, the things that helped me push forward, the things that made all … More James conquers nuts.

I ran until I cried.

I’ve always hated running.  It’s a reasonable hatred, I think.  When I was younger, I had a bunch of health problems, including asthma, which made running a truly painful experience.  Every time I ran, my lungs felt like they were being set on fire and ripped out of my chest, I was immediately struck with … More I ran until I cried.

5 profound life lessons I learned from losing a Muay Thai fight.

I’m a second-year medical student.  And a fighter.  Some would say I lead a dual life.  I don’t see it that way, but there is definitely a giant gap between these two aspects of my life. I end up feeling a bit misunderstood.  The people I train with mostly assume that I take a part-time … More 5 profound life lessons I learned from losing a Muay Thai fight.