Don’t forget about your dreams – My weekend in San Francisco.

I’ve been feeling a bit lost.  It was bound to happen, I suppose.  I’m halfway through my four-year medical school adventure and it’s been almost eight years since I first made the life altering decision to become a doctor.  Since that cool November evening when I was lying on my back with my arms behind … More Don’t forget about your dreams – My weekend in San Francisco.

5 profound life lessons I learned from losing a Muay Thai fight.

I’m a second-year medical student.  And a fighter.  Some would say I lead a dual life.  I don’t see it that way, but there is definitely a giant gap between these two aspects of my life. I end up feeling a bit misunderstood.  The people I train with mostly assume that I take a part-time … More 5 profound life lessons I learned from losing a Muay Thai fight.

How I learned to turn insecurity into courage. (It’s super easy)

I hate making friends.  Having friends is one of the biggest perks of being a human, but making them is the worst.  A real friend knows you.  All the good things and all the bad things.  Obviously.  And that’s fine.  Great, even.  I wish everyone knew me, knew everything.  But that would mean I have … More How I learned to turn insecurity into courage. (It’s super easy)

I’ve reached my academic limit, and it has nothing to do with my brain.

I dropped out of my master’s degree program at NCNM after my first year.  I’m still in pursuit of my doctorate in naturopathic medicine, but frankly, I’ve been seriously considering dropping out of that program as well. There would be many legitimate reasons for quitting:  It’s too difficult, I can’t keep my grades up, I’m … More I’ve reached my academic limit, and it has nothing to do with my brain.